Height safety Level 3 (refresh and practical)


Duration and focus:

The objective of this two (2) days is to provide to the student who have already attended the course prior to Level 2, the opportunity to update their knowledge and practical skills and recertification. The course follows the same program as the Height Safety Level 2 course but focuses on the initial assessment of the skill level of the student and exercises practical’s to ensure compliance with the requirements.

During the training the necessary updates regarding legislation, procedures and equipment will be included.



Have the Level 2 Safety Certification. Candidates must have a physical condition and willingness to work at height.

Who should attend?

This course is designed for technicians that need to revalidate their Level 2 Height Safety certification.



Corroborate by means of practical and theoretical evaluation that the technician work at height understands everything related to:

  • Health and safety legislation relevant to the country, operating standards and the dangers of working at height.
  • The dangers present during work at height.
  • How to assess hazards and implement control measures.
  • How to use fall protection equipment and understand its characteristics and limitations in the different scenarios.
  • Inspection and maintenance of fall protection equipment.
  • Work techniques in restraint, protection against falls and positioning.
  • Selection of anchors and use of lifelines against vertical falls.
  • Use of double branch anti-falls with hooks for progression through structures and ladders.
  • Use of retractable anti-fall systems, characteristics limitations.
  • Use of temporary protection systems against vertical and horizontal falls, characteristics and limitations.
  • Recognize and how to act in case of suspension trauma or Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.
  • Rescue plan and procedure with the characteristics and limitations of some rescue devices.
  • Rescue of a victim that is within or out of reach of the rescuer.


Students per instructor: six (6)



The student who passes the course receive a certificate which is valid for one (1) year.